Smart Wiring & Home Automation


Smart wiring allows you to control, set and regulate almost any function within your home from one hand held control unit even from remote locations. These functions include security, audio visual, lighting, water and heating. You could also for example integrate your home entertainment into this so you can dim the lights and close the curtains automatically.


Imagine being able to turn your heating on so the house is the perfect temperature when you get home, turn off something on the stove when it will be perfectly cooked and run the pool filter and lights at the times that suit you.


A domestic control system makes your home completely tailored for you and allows you to enjoy it to the maximum with an enviable level of comfort and convenience.

New or Existing Home

This is a fast growing area that we have particular experience in. It is central to many new developments, but is also being retrofitted to older homes.

Home automation not only gives you tremendous security in the broadest sense of the word but also adds value to your home.